So we’ve figured out how to make the computer write a line of text to the console. Great! What else can we do?
Let’s have the computer ask the user for their name:
using System;
Console.WriteLine("Hello, what's your name?");
Console.WriteLine("That's a great name!");
Again, you’ll need to pay careful attention to the capitalization of everything, and also remember to put a semicolon (;) at the end of each statement.
Here’s what it should look like if you run the program now:
Of course, the computer doesn’t care what we type in - the only instruction we’ve actually given it is to read a line of text from the user in the console!
One thing to remember about programming is that the computer will always do exactly what we tell it to - nothing more, and nothing less.
Later on, we’ll learn about how to make the computer “remember” things like your name, using variables.