Add the following to your Cat class:
Variables that represent:
And methods (member functions) that do the following:
Wake() - should set the appropriate variable from the list above
Sleep() - should set the appropriate variable from the list above
Feed() - should result in the cat not being hungry
AddYearsToLife() - should take an int parameter.
PrintStatus() - a function that prints out all of the cat’s variables.
Here’s what that class might look like, along with some code to instantiate a cat instance and test it out:
Cat cat = new Cat(); = "Fluffy";
class Cat
public string name = "unnamed Cat";
public int age = 1;
public bool isHungry;
public bool isSleeping;
public void Sleep()
isSleeping = true;
public void Wake()
isSleeping = false;
public void Feed()
isHungry = false;
public void Meow()
public void AddYearsToLife(int howManyYears)
age = age + howManyYears;
public void PrintInfo()
Console.WriteLine("Cat info: ");
Console.WriteLine("Name: " + name);
Console.WriteLine("Age: " + age);
Console.WriteLine("Hungry: " + isHungry);
Console.WriteLine("Is Sleeping: " + isSleeping);